SafeTrails: First Aid Skills for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Building on nearly 20 years of clinical practice, the majority of that in emergency medicine, and more than a decade of experience providing lectures to physician assistant students at master's degree institutions across New England, I'm now offering first aid courses specifically geared towards front country trail users.
Most people are familiar with the concept of "back country" which implies that you'll be remote and away from services. Front country is the space that most trail users occupy, where you're not in the middle of nowhere and help likely can get to you.
The problem is that while an injured person may only be a mile or two from an access point, the average walking speed is about 2-3 miles per hour, so it could easily take an hour or more for EMTs or other rescue personnel to get to an injured person.
This program will help you be prepared to deal with many common injuries and determine what can be handled later--when your hike or ride is done, what will require you to cut your trail visit short, and when you'll need to call 911.Course content is curated from urban oriented first aid programs and wilderness first aid programs, and is tailored for mountain bikers, trail runners, day hikers and other trail users, and includes an AHA approved CPR certification.
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